Access to Archives

How to access archives
User-friendly service – online viewing without application required
One-stop search and application
Convenient and diverse methods for record obtaining and fee payment
Tips on applying for archives access
Archives Access Center
The Most Visited Websites

☆ How to access archives

* Access to archives: Any party that seeks to carry out academic research, obtain factual evidence of something, protect personal rights and interests, or otherwise needs to access to archives may apply with the NAA to view, copy, or duplicate archives; any party wishing to employ any of various techniques or methods to prepare a publication, exhibition, website, or video may apply with the NAA for value-added utilization of archives.
* Eligibility to apply: Anyone who is a national of the Republic of China (ROC) or possesses a ROC passport is able to apply for access to archives; any ROC juristic person or organization also has the same eligibility to apply. A foreign national may apply for access to archives only if the laws of their country do not prohibit ROC nationals from doing likewise.TOP


☆ User-friendly service – online viewing without application required

The Archives Access (A+) Service ( is an excellent tool for anyone seeking to access archives, and is available 24 hours a day.
Anyone may view and download, free of charge, archives catalogs, reference indexes, and archives for which the full text is already publicly available in image format. Archives for which the full text is already open to the public in image format are also available for value-added utilization without any need for prior application, provided that the utilization is for non-commercial purposes. When citing any record accessed via the A+ service, please provide proper attribution (NAA's full name, the name of the website, and the URL).TOP


☆ One-stop search and application

Step 1: Search the archives catalogs
Use the A+ website to search archives catalogs. You can use keywords to carry out simplified searches. If a search turns up a large number of hits, you can conduct an advanced search by setting search parameters or using various reference indexes provided by A+. This will reduce the scope of your catalog search.

Step 2: Fill out the application form
To apply to view, hand-copy, or duplicate archives that have not yet been made available to the public, please fill out the Application for Access to Archival Records form. To apply for value-added utilization of archives, please fill out an Archives Value-Added Utilization Agreement and send it to the NAA.
We suggest that you first become an A+ member before filling out the application form online. This will accelerate the processing of your application and allow for more convenient online provision of archives.

* Tips for saving time

  • Use your citizen digital certificate at the A+ website to fill out and submit an application.
  • Check the box to indicate your agreement to the "Confidentiality Pledge," then you can go to the NAA's Archives Access Center and view archives dating back 30 years or longer. This approach will shorten your waiting period.
  • Check the box to indicate your agreement to receive via e-mail regarding any notices of approval to access the archives. This will enable you to learn immediately when your application has been approved.

Step 3: Send the application form
1. Visit the NAA's Archives Access Center during opening hours to submit the application.
2. Use your citizen digital certificate at the A+ website to directly submit the application, or send the application form via the postal service, fax, or e-mail.
3. To apply for value-added utilization, please deliver or mail the original copy of the Archives Value-Added Utilization Agreement to the Archives Access Center.

* A few reminders about the application process

  •  [One application at a time]

Obtain the archives you've applied for before submitting your next application.

  •  [10 files per application]

The number of files that may be requested in a single application is limited to a maximum of 10. However, this restriction does not apply to archives that have already been made available to the public, nor does it apply when a party to the subject matter of the archives, or an heir thereof, is seeking to access the archives in question.

  •  [Obtaining regularly]

In the case of an application for 5 or fewer files, the files may be obtained within 15 working days. An applicant who has agreed to the "Confidentiality Pledge" may obtain up to 10 files within 15 working days.

  •  [Supporting documents]
--To apply for value-added utilization, furnish a photocopy of an identification document (or, in the case of a juristic person or organization, a photocopy of a certificate of incorporation).
--To apply for archives which include content that involves matters of personal privacy, please furnish a photocopy of an identification document.
--If you have arranged for another person to submit an application on your behalf, please furnish a power of attorney and an identification document; if the party handling the application process is a statutory agent, please furnish a photocopy of documentary proof of the relationship between the agent and the applicant.
--A foreign national who applies is asked to furnish a photocopy of an identification document.TOP

☆ Convenient and diverse methods for record obtaining and fee payment

* Real-time notifications
1. Within 15 working days of its receipt of an application, the NAA will provide notice of the application result via either the postal service or e-mail.
2. When the archives under application have already been made available to the public, they may be provided for access immediately at the Archives Access Center, or the applicant may arrange to access the archives at an agreed date.
3. Within 30 days from the day next following the day of delivery of notice of approval to access the archives, please obtain the archives in question, or contact the NAA to request a one-time extension. If the archives have not been picked up within 60 days, please re-apply.

* Diverse ways to obtain archives

1. View online: The NAA’s publicized digital images are free of charge and available for viewing and downloading to the general public without any application process. For those unpublicized digital images, applicants who apply via A+ can view them after receiving the notice. As for those who apply in other ways, the NAA will provide available images through cloud storage for free downloads.

2. On-site visit to the Archives Access Center Applicants may make an appointment beforehand to obtain the archives at an agreed time by showing identification documents to view, hand-copy, or duplicate the archives. Those who want to receive applied digital files of archives may choose either a USB flash drive or a CD-ROM provided by the NAA. Also, applicants are welcomed to bring storage devices (i.e. USB flash drives, etc.) by themselves. Once when the NAA complete the virus scanning process, applicants can save applied digital files of archives to their own devices.

3. Accessing the archives through online downloads or postal services Those who apply through A+ can directly download digital images from the same website after receiving a notice from the NAA. For those who submit their applications in other ways, the NAA offers the cloud storage for them to download. In addition, applicants can choose postal services to receive either hardcopies or dynamic storage devices. 
※Services with charges will be proceeded after the NAA confirms the compulsory payment is complete.

* Viewing and hand-copying are free of charge
1. Archives may be viewed and hand-copied free of charge.
2. Original archives may be provided to the applicant, who may photograph them without incurring duplication fees.

* Duplication fees based on quantity
Applications to duplicate archives and make value-added utilization are handled in accordance with the provisions of the "Fee Standards for Viewing, Hand-copying or Duplication of Archives". These fees are charged in New Taiwan Dollars, and are summed up below:
1. Duplication of archives

2. Value-added utilization

3. Article 13 of the "Political Archives Act" provides that when a party to the subject matter of an archive applies to access political archives related to a matter in which he/she was involved, the fee shall be waived one time for each archive related to that person's case, and the same shall apply to the party's spouse or heirs as set out in Article 1138 of the Civil Code.

* Multiple payment methods to choose from
1. Go in person to the Archives Access Center: You are welcome to make payments using cash, Easy Card, a credit card, or Taiwan Pay.
2. Online payment: When logging on to the A+ website, you can make payments using a credit card or Taiwan Pay.
3. Use an NAA payment slip: You can make payments by taking a "Payment Slip for Archives Reproduction Fees" to a post office or a FamilyMart convenience store. You can also make a payment by using a physical ATM, a WebATM, or the e-post office smartphone App to input the number of the account to be credited.
4. Go to an ordinary financial institution: You can make payments using a postal money order, a value-declared letter, or a treasury remittance order.

For more information, visit the A+ website (available only in Chinese) and navigate the following path: "How to access the archives" / "Fee standards and payment methods".TOP

Tips on applying for archives access

Use A+ to search archives catalogs

Furnish a photocopy of an identification document to the NAA along with an application form or an Archives Value-Added Utilization Agreement

*Wait for notification
--Archives already available to the public may be provided on the spot
--For other archives, within 15 working days of its receipt of an application, the NAA will send notification to applicants for obtaining the archives or paying fees

*Obtain archives or pay fees
--Please obtain archives or pay fees by the deadline
--Archives may be viewed or hand-copied free of charge
--Fee for duplication of archives is based on number of archives duplicated

*No application required for the following
--Online viewing of archives catalogs
--Online viewing of reference indexes
--Viewing and downloading of archives that A+ has already made publicly available
--Value-added utilization of archives for non-commercial use that A+ has already made publicly available

*Application for quick access to a specified quantity of archives
--Up to a limit of 10 files per person per application
--In the case of an application for 5 or fewer files, the files may be obtained within 15 working days
--Obtain the archives you have applied for before submitting your next application
--For archives that have already been made available to the public, there is no restriction on the number of files that may be requested in a single application
--When a party to the subject matter of the archives is seeking to access the archives in question, there is no restriction on the number of files that may be requested in a single application

*Diverse ways to obtain archives
--Make sure all required fields in the application are filled in
--Use your citizen digital certificate at the A+ website to submit an application online
--Personally sign a hardcopy application form and choose whether to send it via the postal service, fax, or e-mail, or deliver it in person at the Archives Access Center
--To apply for archives that involve matters of personal privacy, furnish a photocopy of an identification document
--A foreign national must furnish a photocopy of an alien resident certificate or a passport

*Executed agreement required for value-added utilization
--Make sure all required fields in the agreement are filled in, sign it personally, and furnish a photocopy of an identification document (or, in the case of a juristic person or organization, a photocopy of a certificate of incorporation)
--Mail the agreement to the Archives Access Center, or deliver it in person

*Diverse ways to obtain archives
--Go in person to the Archives Access Center
--After receiving notification from A+, view the archives online
--Download images of the archives from A+
--Receive duplicates via the postal service

*Various payment methods
--Pay in person at the Archives Access Center (cash, Easy Card, credit card, or Taiwan Pay)
--Pay online at the A+ website (credit card or Taiwan Pay)
--Make payment by taking an NAA payment slip to a post office or a FamilyMart convenience store
--Make payment by using a physical ATM, a WebATM, or the e-post office smartphone App
--Go to an ordinary financial institution and make a wire transferTOP


The Most Visited Websites

* Archives Access (A+) Service

Users of the Archives Access Service can search the NAA's archives catalogs, view images of archives that have been made available to the public, and apply to access them.

* Archives Time-travel Capsules (ATC)

ATC assembles a collection of thematically gathered archives or materials from one of the many archive exhibits that have been held over the years, and makes the material available for viewing online.

* Archival Resources for Teaching (ART)

ART provides archives that relate to high school curricula, as well as descriptions of such archives. In this way, ART helps instructors to develop teaching materials and supports students who engage in self-directed study.

* Archives LOHAS

Archives LOHAS is a monthly electronic newsletter that the NAA publishes to introduce selected archives holdings, archival management techniques, important NAA-related news, and new developments at home and abroad.

* Archives CROSS boundaries (ACROSS)

ACROSS is a one-stop site where users can quickly search a large number of databases developed by domestic libraries, museums, and archives.

* Navigating Electronic Agencies' Records (NEAR)

NEAR provides records catalogs from various government agencies that the NAA has compiled and made available to the public. NEAR simplifies the task of searching for agency records and applying to access them.

* Official website of the National Archives Administration, National Development Council

For more services, please visit the NAA’s official website.TOP

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Last Updated: 2024-03-04
Visitor Counts: 54424